Introduction You’ve heard it before: the best managers are good communicators. But what does that mean? Are you a micromanager who likes to assign tasks and track progress closely, or do you prefer the hands-off approach and let your employees run with their projects? Is there a middle ground between […]

Introduction Remote work is becoming a more popular option, and the rise in remote work has raised concerns. The impact of remote work affects not just employees but also employers. Remote workers experience increased levels of stress and anxiety, which causes them to feel disengaged from their colleagues and managers. […]

Introduction The holidays are a great time to connect with your employees and show them that you care. You can boost morale by making sure everyone has an opportunity to take vacation, reminding them of the importance they play in your business’s success, and more: Encourage employees to take vacation […]

Introduction Performance management is a necessary evil, but it doesn’t have to be painful. If you’re new to performance management or looking for ways to improve your current process, here are some things you should know: It’s time to start the performance management process. Performance management is an ongoing process […]