Introduction Sustainability is the idea that we can meet our needs without destroying the environment. This means that businesses need to think long-term, rather than focusing on short-term profitability. It also means valuing employees over profits and incorporating sustainability into every aspect of your business operation, including accounting, HR and […]
Sustainable Business Practices
Introduction In today’s competitive business environment, maximizing your profits and surviving in the long term are two very different things. Sure, you can make a quick profit by slashing costs or cutting corners. But what if there was a way to boost your revenues while also reducing waste and increasing […]
Introduction Sustainability reporting and measurement is no longer just a “nice to have” for companies who are interested in going green. With more and more consumers—and investors—expecting businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, it’s important that companies measure their environmental impacts and set goals for improving them over time. […]
Introduction A sustainable workplace is one that uses energy and resources responsibly, minimizes its environmental footprint, and helps create a better environment. In the business world, this can mean reducing paper consumption or increasing recycling rates. It can also mean encouraging employees to use public transportation rather than driving alone […]
Introduction The world is facing a major resource crisis. We’re running out of the materials we need to survive, and that’s not even counting climate change. Experts have been warning us about this for decades, but things still aren’t changing fast enough. In other words: we need to act now […]
Introduction You may not have realized it, but you’re a part of the environment. You are one small piece of the complex puzzle that makes up the world around us. And with your actions, you can either help preserve it or contribute to its destruction. Luckily for us all, there […]
Introduction The world is a confusing place. Every day, we’re bombarded with information that seems to contradict what we know and believe. We see pundits on TV telling us one thing, then seeing another pundit on another channel tell us something completely different. Most of this information is about money […]
Introduction Long-term thinking—the ability to think about the future, over days or even years—is one of the key skills for any entrepreneur. It’s also one of the most challenging. With so much happening in our fast-paced world today, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than what’s happening […]
Introduction Long-term thinking is an important component of business success. It’s not just the right thing to do, it’s also good for business. Over time, short-term thinking can lead to a lack of innovation and creativity that could have led to much greater growth and profits for your company. This […]