Written in 7 Ranges: How Network Security Protects Your Business


The internet has changed the way we live, work, and play. For example, you probably use your smartphone to do various things throughout the day—from checking the weather to emailing coworkers. Most people don’t realize how many devices are connected to the internet or how many connections are made each day. At any given moment, there could be millions of devices on the internet (such as computers, phones, tablets), with each device having multiple connections (including Wi-Fi signal). This means that there are countless ways for attackers to access your business network through these devices and networks—and they can do so quickly!

To protect against these threats and prevent cyber attacks from happening in your network:

Network Security is about creating a defensive network.

Network Security is about creating a defensive network.

The best way to protect your business from cyberattacks is to have a proactive cybersecurity plan in place, which includes:

  • Training employees on how to spot phishing emails and other social engineering attempts.
  • Implementing security measures such as two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Network security is about protecting your business from cyber attacks.

Network security is a proactive approach to cybersecurity. It’s about protecting your business from cyber attacks, and it’s achieved by creating a defensive network.

Network security means using firewalls, routers and switches to create segmented networks with distinct layers of access control points between internal resources such as servers and applications on one side, and external networks like the Internet on the other side. This keeps unwanted visitors out while allowing authorized users access to specific services based on their roles within an organization (e.g., employee vs contractor).

Network security is a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

Network security is a proactive approach to cybersecurity. It’s about protecting your business from cyberattacks, creating a defensive network and identifying threats before they become an issue. Network security involves monitoring traffic on the network with firewalls and antivirus software, as well as setting up intrusion detection systems (IDSs), which are programs that look for suspicious activity such as someone trying to access sensitive data or attempting to hack into your system.[1]

The best way to protect your business from cyberattacks is to have a proactive cybersecurity plan in place.

The best way to protect your business from cyberattacks is to have a proactive cybersecurity plan in place. A good security strategy will help you identify vulnerabilities, understand the latest threats, and provide you with specific steps for responding when an attack occurs.

  • Plan ahead: It’s impossible to anticipate every possible threat that could arise, but there are some common elements of successful attacks that can be identified and addressed before they happen. For example, if you’re running old software that hasn’t been patched recently or if your employees aren’t trained on how not to click links in emails from unknown senders (and even known ones), then those are areas where it’s worth spending time and money on improving security measures before something goes wrong.
  • Know your vulnerabilities: Knowing what could go wrong helps us prepare ourselves for those possibilities by making sure our systems are updated appropriately–especially when new patches come out! Then we can spend less time worrying about things going wrong because they won’t happen at all if we take these simple steps first.”

Network Security is your best bet at protecting your business from cyberattacks

Network Security is your best bet at protecting your business from cyberattacks. Network Security is a proactive approach to cybersecurity, where you create a defensive network that protects your business from hackers and other threats.

Network security is not just about implementing firewalls or anti-virus software; it’s about thinking through all the possible ways someone could try to infiltrate your data, then putting measures in place to prevent them from doing so.


Network security is your best bet at protecting your business from cyberattacks. It’s important to remember that there are many different types of cyberattacks and they can come from anywhere; therefore, it’s essential that you have a proactive cybersecurity plan in place. Network security protects against all types of attacks on your network including malware infections, Denial-of-Service attacks (DDoS), phishing scams, etc. It also monitors traffic patterns looking out for anything suspicious so that if something does happen then you’ll know right away!